Melodias de Sempre 51 Manuel Resende Fados Antigos
This volume 51 of the Melodias de Sempre series by Manuel Pereira Resende is dedicated to old fados.
- Title: Melodias de Sempre 51 Fados Antigos
- Author: Manuel Pereira Resende
- Type: songbook
- Notation: scores of the melodies with lyrics and chords notations
- Number of pages: 48
- Edition: author
Song list:
1. Fado da Madragoa
2. Fado do Marinheiro
3. Minha casinha
4. Fado Hespanhol,
5. Canção das lavadeiras
6. Fado mau
7. Fado bom
8. Arraial de Santo António
9. Fado Celestial
10. Fado da fadista
11. Canção das cerejas
12. Fado Chic
13. Fado da cruz
14. Dá-me um beijinho
15. Fado do Sonho
16. Fado da mentira
17. Desalento
18. Fado das trincheira
19. Fado do grão de bico
20. Fado Lisboa.
Manuel Pereira Resende was born in S. João da Madeira in Portugal, in 1927.
With a lifetime linked to music in its most diverse facets, he has always shown a special affection for the accordion and its music, having been a teacher of this instrument for many years.
With the publication of this volume of the series Melodias de Semper, the author intends to make a contribution to the dissemination and promotion of Portuguese music in general and also of some universal themes that can be classified as "Melodias de Sempre".